Stock-keeping unit (pronounced “skew”). This a unique identifier we assign to an item as sold, ie. if you’re selling a zine bundled with a patch, that’s one SKU.
If you’re selling a zine with a patch but also making the zine available individually, that’d be two separate SKUs.
SKUs help us keep an accurate inventory of everything that arrives and makes it easier to work out shipping fees.
Fulfilment vs Distribution
Fulfilment: You send us your stock and we send it out to your customers. You provide us with the addresses and we’ll invoice you for the shipping fees and time according to our Pricing & Invoicing policy.
Distribution: We buy your stock and sell it to other retailers.
Retail vs Wholesale Pricing
Retail: This is the price you want your items to be sold at. The most common retail price for a staplebound TTRPG zine in the UK is currently £12, but you can charge as much or as little as you’d like (though we’d always encourage you to increase your prices).
Wholesale: We buy your stock at a 30-50% discount so that we can sell it on our store.
Last updated