Goods Outbound
You got a load of orders and you want to get those zines on their way to customers. Sounds good!
Shipping Frequency
We tend to ship weekly on a Saturday, batching up orders. If we (or you!) receive lots of orders earlier in the week weβll look at shipping before then.
File format
We try not to be too prescriptive about this, but we do have requirements that need to be adhered to otherwise we cannot ship your stock efficiently π We do charge for reworking files that donβt meet our specification, but youβll always be able to fix it yourself instead.
We accept CSVs using commas as column delimiters, and semi-colons as row delimiters.
Each row must contain (at least):
Order ID
Name (first name/last name)
Address Line 1
Line item price
Order total price
Shipping option (see below)
You can optionally include:
Address Line 2
Address Line 3
Product Name
Other fields weβll generally ignore.
If youβre sending multiple SKUs in a single shipment, you should repeat the following columns (with the appropriate values) on another row:
Order ID (used to link the rows)
Line item price
Order total price
Here's an example for you to check out!
Reformatting BackerKit / Kickstarter Data
We're able to do this for you using some internal tooling we've developed. It's charged at our standard data reformatting rate.
Order Total Price
You are responsible for ensuring this is accurate as it will be declared to customs authority on legal documents.
If we do not believe it is a true representation of the value of the goods we may be unable to ship your orders.
We use this field to calculate additional DDP fees due where applicable.
Sending us files
Please share these with us via Google Drive (or equivilant). Email attachments aren't secure so please avoid those!
Return files
We can provide return files on request. These include tracking details (if the shipping product has them) and the additional information about the shipment (weight, size etc)
Last updated